Thursday, 10 December 2009

A new day, an old life

It's snowing outside and the last thing I want to do is go to school, and if it were any other less important day, I wouldnt. Im not really feeling tired, just fed up with stuff that I have to do before Christmas. But only two more days until Christmas break! The thing with going to school is, Im going to see a lot of people I know, but I dont really feel like doing the social thing at all. Is it weird that Id just rather sit at home, drawing or writing?

Another thing: Im trying to give up smoking, which is proving to be sort of harder than I thought. Im not really addicted physically I think, just mentally. Its such a good escape from things, the cigarette is like a safety blanket thats always there no matter how stressful or frustrating things get. God, just writing this makes me want to have a smoke. And the irony of it all is the real reason Im trying to give it up: skin ageing. Yes, not cancer, skin ageing. Oh well, at least Im honest about my vanity... But now I have to catch the bus to school, check back later!

Cecilia Ann

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